Do you believe in angels, Mr. Drowak?

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The feature film "Do you believe in angels, Mr. Drowak?", directed by Nicolas Steiner is a fantastic journey full of darkness, poetry and romance with cryptic yet charming characters and spaces, caught between longing, disillusionment and nihilism. It is a kaleidoscopic picture of a man struggling mainly with himself and with the brutal, yet extraordinary world around him.

The movie is currently in post-production and will be released in 2025.


Nicolas Steiner


Markus Nestroy


Kaya Inan


Bettina Gundermann

Production Design

Nina Mader & Mirjam Zimmermann

Costume Design

Laura Locher


Zieglerfilm / Tellfilm GmbH 2024

With Luna Wedler, Karl Markovich, Lars Eidinger, Dominique Pinot